Hi SIHI 2007!
I just wanted to send out one last "good luck and have fun" message before you embark on your upcoming Indian adventure. I've been talking to a couple of you throughout the last few weeks, so I know that you have all been preparing extremely well and are obviously very excited! I'm excited for you! I don't have any new advice to give so just consider this a recap of all of our meetings together...
You have all worked so hard to become this prepared. I am certain that you will find this trip to be thoroughly enjoyable, eye-opening and rewarding. And yet, there will undoubtedly be situations that no amount of planning will prepare you for. These experiences will constitute the true excitement of this trip! Try to leave your Western ideas of an organized, scheduled "vacation" behind and drink in the essence of your surroundings. If you like to write, keep a journal. If you like to draw, sketch your surroundings. Take pictures, play with the children, talk to your mentors, try new food, learn new words and traditions. And most importantly, live in the moment - breathe in the cold mountain air, let your senses become overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, smells of the cities - be amazed by the vast uniqueness of each place you visit!
Safe travels, group. I look forward to hearing about all your adventures when you return!
- Robyn
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