Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cool Stuff.

Hey guys!

Everyone's topics sound really interesting ... I can't wait until we actually start interviewing people and doing more research - I'm sure we will be so surprised at how different health is in India versus North America.
Oh, and I looked at that Benjamin Button thing, it's pretty neat. I had been wondering for a while how they made him short and old, hehe. It reminded me of a Dove commercial I saw a few years ago, which is also really cool. The beginning is makeup, but at the end they completely computer modify her, and it's interesting to see how much they can change someone.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Research topics

Hi everyone!

First off, I'm also interested in staying in Delhi for a few days after the trek (I am NOT leaving India without seeing the Taj Mahal {side, side note - listen to Sam Roberts' song called Taj Mahal. It's not about India, but it's really good!})

Okay I do actually have something significant to post...

Research topics! Originally I wanted to look into traditional medicine and how people use it and perceive it. However, I think I would be more interested exploring spiritual health (i.e. health of the spirit - not necessarily religious) in the region we will be visiting, noting how people feel about spiritual health, the institutions that cater to a person's spiritual health, who attends to their personal spiritual health (the rich? the educated? young people? old people?), and how the recognition of spiritual health is incorporated into the daily life of the individual, family and community. Those are just a few of my questions :). I find spiritual health particularly interesting because of how differently we care for our spiritual health in North America (or arguably, don't care for it at all). During my stay with an aboriginal family in Ecuador, one of the most noticeable differences between our societies was their recognition and respect for a person's emotional component. In fact, one of the trip coordinators had done an exchange in Canada and absolutely hated it! He said that he felt like people closed away their emotional part, and he could not live that way.

I would love to share more with you later, but I have to go meet you all now :D

Lots of Love,


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been late to post - my laptop died the other day and I've been scrambling to get it fixed (I'm at the Apple store right now actually for the 2nd day in a row).  

I'd just like to say hi again to everyone - I'm super-excited about the upcoming trip.  I'll be modifying this post later today with my research once I have access to my computer again... As for research topics, I'm interested in developmental disabilities in children and what the community does to help them, and family medicine/surgery in a setting that is so different from what we are used to in Canada. I intend to modify and specify my learning goals as time goes by, especially after I learn about who is actually available for interviewing/study.  

Also, I would very much like to stay in Delhi a few days after the trek (to make it back to Toronto by the 14th), so it would be great for those also interested to express your interest/let me know so we can plan away!  

-Jessica Truong


Hey guys,Soooo... I was just studying for my econ test and figured now would be a good time to make my first post on the blog. Just like everyone else, I now have extra incentive for wishing the school year to be over... I really can't wait to go to India. I'd really be interested in learning more about the homeopathic vs. allopathic way of approaching medicine. I just find it interesting how homeopathic styles are virtually non-existent in NA, but appear to be predominant in northern India. My main focus is going to be pertaining to this area... I may refine it from there.

I thought I'd post a really cool video too...
it`s really cool... kinda gives a new appreciation for the movie..

Adam Parry

Friday, March 6, 2009


Hey everyone!
I'm really excited to be going on the trip ... it was really nice getting to know all of you better at the fundraiser this past Saturday. As for my focus, currently I would like to look into how speech therapy works in India, as well as the social and educational programs provided for children with special needs.
See you guys Sunday!

-Cassie Cetlin

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Great Guys !

Hey Sihians

Some of you may be wondering what kind of .... you are fated to meet in India, this summer. So, here are the three you will meet and interact on regular basis while in India: Vijay, Anil and Parmanand (from left to right). You can see they have put on their best Canadian promo tea shirts and the best smile.. to welcome you. There are couple others too, you will be seeing- Ms Suchitra, Ms Gina Devi and sachin. Now let me tell you briefly about these three guys:

Anil is the overall manager of the residential facility (Samagra ashram). He oversees kitchen, turns out great dishes. Parmanand is accountant and oversees computer use. He will show you how to log on and check your emails (in India, it can be tricky and needs mastering). Vijay is the Speech Language Pathologist cum Audiologist and will happily give you a free consultation- just in case.. :-)).. All three of them speak functional English with lot of 'yea' 'yea' thrown in for good measure. They are good learners, so this summer I am sure they will pick up rest of the conversational English skills from you.

Finally, Gina Devi is a lady from nearby mountains (Jaunsar)- a very fine person and with a lot of insights on life. She helps to keep the place clean.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hi everyone!

I first of all want to say that I am really excited for this trip to India and can't wait for it to be May! I think we are all really excited to meet everyone there!

Just out of curiosity, I am planning on focusing my question on mental health and the potential social stigmas attached to it. I am really interested in a career involving this area and seriously want to advocate destigmatizing mental illness, however would like to learn more of its reception in areas like Uttaranchal. Do you have any suggestions with a topic of this nature? Also what types of mental illnesses would I be able to focus more into?


Hello Blogspot

Hi everyone,

I'm really excited to be going to India with the SIHI group. I'm doing a research project on the disparity between rural and urban healthcare in India if anyone is interested in knowing more about that topic, I'd be happy to share my findings. I'm really looking forward to learning more about such an interesting and beautiful place! I'll let you know if I stumble apon anything neat!

Meghan Dertinger