Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hi everyone!

I first of all want to say that I am really excited for this trip to India and can't wait for it to be May! I think we are all really excited to meet everyone there!

Just out of curiosity, I am planning on focusing my question on mental health and the potential social stigmas attached to it. I am really interested in a career involving this area and seriously want to advocate destigmatizing mental illness, however would like to learn more of its reception in areas like Uttaranchal. Do you have any suggestions with a topic of this nature? Also what types of mental illnesses would I be able to focus more into?


1 comment:

Satyendra said...

Interestingly, there is a upcoming government mental hospital just 20 Km away.. we can plan a visit there..
Stammerers too sometime manifest psychological issues.. you could work with them and offer them some cognitive therapy?